Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is it October already?

I guess at least once a month is better than no posts at all.
It has been a full month of go. The state fair was here and it's like the vendors never left. I just left for a year and when I got back, they were all still standing there in the same old booth selling the same old goods with the same old pitch. But this year when I left I was a new person! I owned a VITA-MIX!Thank-you Chris and Lana
Every cooks dream machine. It doesn't slice and dice, it rips and tears. You can make Stone soup and never know a rock was in the recipe. Not that I would do such a thing. I have now made some great recipes though. Tomorrow is bread. My little E baby and I love our blueberry ice cream we make.
A trip down niravam lane was in order also. I had to fly to MI to visit our mom and dad and that was a trip in itself. Being in Michigan that is. That is another story another time..
Now it is time to enter a new venture in our business life and give Bike One one last hoorah for awhile!
Yippee! I think..
That's it for the day. This is like what Barney says(that's Andy Griffith's, not the purple dinnasour)
This posting what's on your mind can be very Therapeedic for you!
Who knows, if I keep it up, I may even change the goofy picture of me I have posted.